"We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." - Thomas Jefferson

Project Midterm aims to encourage voters to use their vote when it counts the most.

person standing near table

Our democracy is only as strong as its voters.

Most voters tend to only vote during major presidential elections, disregarding midterm elections as a result. However, these elections are crucial for our government. The following positions will be filled during the 2022 midterms:

  • All 435 seats in the House of Representatives

  • 34 seats in the US Senate

  • 36 gubernatorial seats

  • 309 state executive offices

  • 6,166 state legislative seats (84% of all seats in the US)​

    Project Midterm aims to ensure that ALL citizens in the US fulfill their democratic responsibility and vote during these vital elections. Join us to help support American democracy and ensure that our elected representatives are truly representative of the American populace.


We create high-quality content designed to make you better informed about elections, candidates, and issues.

bird's-eye view of sitting on bench while discussion

Join Us

Help us increase voter turnout during the 2022 Midterm elections by joining Project Midterm's team or volunteering for us.